I was raving about BackType only last week both on Twitter and on this blog – It’s a great idea and the list of features they sent me this morning in their newsletter looked great!

Not something I use, but I know a few people who do that will be pleased about this.

I love my Google Alerts so this should be really useful for keeping up on what people are commenting on.

Not sure I fancy every comment I make anywhere showing up in my twitter feed though!!

Something Matt and I discussed, getting places where we’re commenting to show up on our blogs.

Aha an API, not that I’ll have time to use it but I know it’s there if I want it.

This will be interesting, Analytics for comments 🙂

This post nearly started off as rant, until I went and did a little digging – it seemed BackType wasn’t updating and had at least a week old comments for me! Then I remembered I had moderation of comments switched on!!!

I don’t get notification’s that there are comments for me to moderate there… Maybe I should turn off moderation for comments?