My Pines USB Charger that I raved about back in 2010 finally gave up the ghost! Actually it died a while back when I was at Web Dev Conf 2011 (just the time when I needed it not to!), so I ordered a Veho Pebble this week with Amazon’s free delivery option...
You may have read recently about comparing of battery sizes, capacities and the like when I was looking for a rechargeable battery pack for my phone, I took the advice of @ZuuMediaSwindon and bought the PINES Rechargeable Backup Battery Pack I’ve now had a...
I know I haven’t posted in a while – but I’ve had lots going on…. Then my first post back is a techie one, I apologise (well for some of you I do anyway!). I want a backup battery for my Motorola Droid/Milestone, I’ve already got one for...
Ok the backup saga has rumbled on for close to a year now, but I finally decided on my solution last week and it looks fantastic! I was heavily influenced by the register’s review, and an email from their sales team. I’ve purchased a MyXerver 1TB along...
Bare Witness hd Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man full movie I was quite impressed with this today from MAKE Magazine, it’s a USB Motion detector! [youtube=]
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