Chris Bailey recently pointed out a post by Jodee Bock, about being happy in your work, and that almost everyone can relate to Dilbert in one form of another (it what’s gives Scott Adams so much material to work with!!).
I work in cubeland so Dilbert is a regular part of daily life for most of us, whether it be calendars the website, or that one particular day’s ‘toon pinned to your noticeboard that feel is an anecdote to your daily life. How many people have Dilbert in their lives I wonder?
If you don’t work in Cubeland check out how much of a home a cube can become (mine is nothing like this – unfortunately!!!):
- Coolest Cubicles – Part 1
- Coolest Cubicles – Part 2
- Coolest Cubicles – Part 3 – I particularly like “Cubes of War” and “Hot Cubes” – I remember Hot Wheels!
After the final Showdown, the winner was declared, as Mark MacAskill’s Cube of War (that kind of camouflage wouldn’t get you very far in our office, you’d be better off hiding under your desk!).
I was also quite impressed on the subject of cubicles recently when The Planet decided to show us what funky toys they’d got, and pay homage to the Cubicle/Newbicle!
photo credit: Ol.v!er [H2vPk]
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