Recently I tried to print multiple messages in Mozilla Thunderbird 6. Thunderbird would not allow me to select several and click print and then get every messages full contents, instead I got a summary of the emails containing the first two-three lines.
The reason I want to do this is not to waste paper, but to send them to PDFCreator where I can use the combine function and output one large PDF for archiving.
Anyway, back to the problem in hand it just doesn’t work in Thunderbird 6. Fortunately there is a work around:
In thunderbird config editor (Tools | options | advanced | general) , to set mail.operate_on_msgs_in_collapsed_threads = false
When you get there, you will encounter a long list of scary looking attributes for your Thunderbird set up. Press on, dauntless! This is not brain surgery. Scroll down until you find mail.operate_on_msgs_in_collapsed_threads=true, highlight it and click on it. It should look exactly the same but now =false. Now get out of that area and turn off Thunderbird and turn it back on again and your individual messages should print out when you highlight them as a group and you should not get the summary printing out.
All done and fixed (thought I’d post it here for my reference and anybody else’s that encounters this problem!).
Thank you.
It helped me much
No problem Kees – it was driving me crazy until I worked it out…
Thanks so much!