I have a friend who’s a cameraman, his blog is always interesting but recently he posted some funny videos that really made me laugh…
First we’ve got the cameraman taking care of punters:
Then the cameraman that showed Ronaldo a thing or two!
If you want to check out some more of these video they’re on Chris’s blog here.
Hello, just to let you know as an SEO guy myself that a link using my real name plus dofollow is of absolutely no value. The only exception is if my name were to be bob smith for instance and my domain name were bobsmith.com – so otherwise there is no value to this linking policy.
How Pilgrim, Value to you or to me? In many cases I’ll receive 20 to 30 comments from one person calling themself “Fuzzy Duck Pictures” saying “Nice post” or similar… This is my blog, so it’s about value to me as well.