Hosting 101

.!. Deathline trailer If you’re one of the people that over the last couple of years has asked me what my business actually does, and what web hosting is then please, please go and read Kevin Hazard’s blog post Dead & Buried video ! The Best of Times...

Comments Bite Back!

I registered with backtype the other day. I quite like it as a way of seeing where I’m commenting and on what! Speed movie Matt pointed out that he couldn’t see the point of it, but I quite like the idea of using their widget to show other people what...

Mozilla Prism!

I was reading John’s blog today and spotted a link to Mozilla Labs. I’ve always liked some of the Google Labs projects and an avid fan of both Firefox and Thunderbird – so what better way to see some of the things that Mozilla have got on their...

HTC Touch Pro (or No!) on Orange

I think I’ve found the perfect phone from me, The HTC Touch Pro (which I talked about a while back) looks like it does everything I want or need! Take a look at it here: HTC Touch Pro But I have a minor problem, Orange aren’t being forthcoming in offering...

OpenID with your own WordPress URL!

I went to post a comment on a website today, it was a Blogger one (I always dread this – it’s just not as easy as commenting on a WordPress blog is it?). This particular user had chose to allow comments from: Registered Google Accounts OpenID users I...