Changing Linux User Passwords

I had reason to go looking for this today, having not done it in a long, long time (thanks to the delightful cPanel interface). To change a password on behalf of a user, first sign on or “su” to the “root” account. Then type, “passwd...

Play Nicely Now Children!

As the FOWA (Future of Web Apps) conference rolls into London this week, it will be a total gadgets frenzy! Bloggers booed the conference planner when he announced that wi-fi wouldn’t be free. And again when the paid-for connection buckled under the stress of...

WordPress 2.1 HTML Editor

I haven’t upgraded this blog just yet, but I have upgraded one other. WordPress Tip: If your HTML WYSIWYG editor has disappeared when you upgrade, go to Users -> Your Profile and active it there.

Testing postie!

If this works I should have managed to post to the WordPress Category in my blog. This isn’t setup as a cron job yet as I want to test it thoroughly first!!!

Moblogging with wp-mail.php

I’ve fancied doing this for sometime, the ability to forward stuff via email to my blog will prove really useful – but even more important was the ability to add some photos via email! According to the WordPress Plugins page, John Blade’s plugin was...

Updated CakePHP Baking

It appears the CakeBaker, may renew my interest in CakePHP having highlighted some projects that use CakePHP. Island Cruises looks fantastic! Dishola, looks very tempting! PokerInside, could be onto a winner! So, you obviously can do more than just make a notes...