MyTop broken!

In a post way back in January of 2005, I discussed the software MyTop for monitoring connections on your MySQL server. I’ve had it installed and use it semi-regularly – however, it doesn’t always work – often I am greeted with the following...

Following or Stampeding?

I haven’t blogged in a while…. I’ll be honest I’m really busy at the minute – so busy that even my Google Reader is full up with stuff – I will read it all eventually, maybe! That brings me to another point (before I’ve even...

Buzzword Bingo & Internet Marketing!

We used to play it in our office, and I haven’t gone looking for game cards in years because we don’t tend to get so much full on buzzword events these days! However, Emma on the phone yesterday could have aced me a game of Buzzword and got a full house...

Orange Unlimited Data!

I have used my nice shiny new SPV M700 for a few days now, it’s fantastic and I’m bound to burn loads of data on it, one of the reasons for my upgrades was the press release that this was coming: Orange cuts cost of plugging into the internet on a mobile...

Sky+ Remote Recording!

I forgot to set the Sky box for something we both wanted to see at the weekend, it nearly resulted in me diving home between courses in a very nice Chinese restaurant (something I may well have been shot for!). I know Sky offer recording via your mobile (for some...

Follow over at Blogspot!

Most people know I now have follow comment links, (as many blogging platforms by default don’t follow!), and it’s lead me to meet some really interesting people via my blog! This option until recently wasn’t available to Blogger/Blogspot users, but...