BlogRush and Categories Dilemma!

I’ve just installed BlogRush after reading a post by ShoeMoney on the subject, I only really had one problem during the signup – what category to put this blog in? Is it Internet Marketing, Technology, Personal Diary, or one of the other defined...

Is being Stumbled the new Slashdotted?

I hadn’t thought about this until today after noticing several posts in my feed reader, you used to hear about the “Slashdot effect” when Slashdot (and I quote them “News for Nerds. Stuff that Matters.”) linked to a smaller website and...

Subscribe to Comments

Now I know that I don’t have “THAT” many readers, but I’ve always found it quite nice when I leave a comment on a site, to be notified by email when someone else has replied, whether that be another user engaging in discussion or the site...