by Keiron | Feb 19, 2007 | Wordpress
If this works I should have managed to post to the WordPress Category in my blog. This isn’t setup as a cron job yet as I want to test it thoroughly first!!!
by Keiron | Feb 19, 2007 | Wordpress
I’ve fancied doing this for sometime, the ability to forward stuff via email to my blog will prove really useful – but even more important was the ability to add some photos via email! According to the WordPress Plugins page, John Blade’s plugin was...
by Keiron | Dec 9, 2006 | General, Wordpress
I recently discussed the search box not working on the second search, turns out that this is probably due to my .htaccess rules for mod rewrite, but as I can’t face rewriting them, I’ve just edited sidebar.php, so that instead of submitting to...
by Keiron | Oct 27, 2006 | Wordpress
I say it’s been a quiet week on the blog and then I go and dump two posts in twenty minutes! I’ve been looking into a Multi-User Blogging format for a future project I have (it’s an event based project that’s several years away so I have time...
by Keiron | Oct 5, 2006 | Website Scripts
Q: How do I set the correct permission for configure.php files while installing an OsCommerce template? A: Please, do the following steps: Rename the “catalog/install” folder or delete it. Reset the permissions on...
by Keiron | Dec 16, 2005 | Wordpress
OK – it looks like the woo-hoo was a little early – that ping didn’t work it was a trackback because I linked to the red-alt tool… So this has no links and I’ve disabled the plugin – so I’m hoping this does ping stuff!
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