by Keiron | Jul 5, 2007 | Linux
In a post way back in January of 2005, I discussed the software MyTop for monitoring connections on your MySQL server. I’ve had it installed and use it semi-regularly – however, it doesn’t always work – often I am greeted with the following...
by Keiron | Jun 2, 2007 | Wordpress
I love some of Chris Pearson’s work, particularly his Celebrity Hack Workspace () 🙂 Anyway Chris designed the theme for CopyBlogger, again! Part of the new developments over at CopyBlogger is to release the old theme after Chris has made some tweaks to it! As...
by Keiron | May 28, 2007 | Internet Software
How many IM clients does one guy need on his laptop? Let’s get this straight, I can only chat to so many people at once, now why can’t they all use the same client? I have MSN, it’s kind of the de facto standard that most people seem to have these...
by Keiron | May 17, 2007 | Wordpress
Will probably upgrade this evening to WordPress 2.2, which seems to have a serious amount of development in it – keep ’em peeled and I’ll let you know how it goes. All I’ll need then is a nice new theme for it (this one just looks a bit clunky,...
by Keiron | Mar 17, 2007 | Internet Software
Looks like Twitter will be one of the first services to cross from Web2.0 onto mobile phones as well. When you send Twitter a mobile text (SMS), it gets sent out to your group of friends and also saves to your Twitter page. Your friends might not have phone alerts...
by Keiron | Mar 2, 2007 | Linux
Paragonhost has a very useful post on setting up custom PRM rules (Process Resource Monitor). I think this maybe the cause of so much load on one of my servers recently, as the exim process is getting killed early and not being allowed to finish a queue run –...
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