iTunes killer? Not quite yet for Songbird!

I love my EEE, it’s fantastic – I’ll be taking it on holiday instead of the Philips X53 for the first time this year. It does everything, bar one thing….. Manage my iPod. I used to be able to switch albums on the iPod at the end of every day, a...

Showing some Luv!

I’ve installed CommentLuv here today, to reward my comment authors more (particularly now the comment policy is in force and I feel perfectly happy about blowing away any comments that are spammy or I don’t like! 😉 ) We all love comments, but CommentLuv...

[Quick Posts] Extracting Still Images from a DVD

A colleague asked me if this was possible the other day, to take photo stills from say a film  (in his case of diving) and have them to put on say Facebook. I couldn’t find what I used last time I did it, but did find this and have been reliably informed that...

Success!! A Flickr -> WordPress Photo Plugin! Photo Dropper!

photo credit: ¥§•ªˆ¨ˇ© LOVE © ˇ¨ˆª•§¥ A while back Michael Gray posted some suggestions about how to improve the Yahoo Shortcuts WordPress Plugin, I’ve been posting about some tools I liked for getting Flickr images into WordPress – and...

User Agreements – Reading the “Small Print”

Do you read them? Be honest with me now…. Or do you hit that next button, just as fast as I do? Well now you need never wonder what was really in the EULA (End User License Agreement) with EULAlyzer. Simply run the program whenever you’re installing a new...