by Keiron | Jul 9, 2008 | Software
I love my EEE, it’s fantastic – I’ll be taking it on holiday instead of the Philips X53 for the first time this year. It does everything, bar one thing….. Manage my iPod. I used to be able to switch albums on the iPod at the end of every day, a...
by Keiron | Jul 4, 2008 | Wordpress
I’ve installed CommentLuv here today, to reward my comment authors more (particularly now the comment policy is in force and I feel perfectly happy about blowing away any comments that are spammy or I don’t like! 😉 ) We all love comments, but CommentLuv...
by Keiron | Jun 7, 2008 | Quick Posts, Software
A colleague asked me if this was possible the other day, to take photo stills from say a film (in his case of diving) and have them to put on say Facebook. I couldn’t find what I used last time I did it, but did find this and have been reliably informed that...
by Keiron | Feb 21, 2008 | Wordpress
photo credit: ¥§•ªˆ¨ˇ© LOVE © ˇ¨ˆª•§¥ A while back Michael Gray posted some suggestions about how to improve the Yahoo Shortcuts WordPress Plugin, I’ve been posting about some tools I liked for getting Flickr images into WordPress – and...
by Keiron | Feb 12, 2008 | Wordpress
Photo by jimmyroq My blog posts used to look a little boring, or at least in some people’s eyes – in my eyes they were a thing of glory, a product of my creativity, a……. bunch of text in web browser I guess! I needed some pictures to illustrate...
by Keiron | Dec 14, 2007 | Software
Do you read them? Be honest with me now…. Or do you hit that next button, just as fast as I do? Well now you need never wonder what was really in the EULA (End User License Agreement) with EULAlyzer. Simply run the program whenever you’re installing a new...
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