by Keiron | Dec 11, 2014 | Linux
Today I needed to find a bunch of files that hadn’t been touched in a while and had a very specific extension on one of our servers. A bit of googling and I came up with this, use this to check which files would be removed: find . -mtime +365 -type f -name...
by Keiron | Mar 11, 2010 | Linux, Mobile Phones
Two posts on the same day and both techie – don’t be put off, normal ranty service may well be resumed soon… I’ve used my Windows Mobile in the past as a tethered modem for my eee pc when out and about without WiFi, it’s not always been...
by Keiron | Oct 9, 2007 | Linux
As far as webmail goes, I’m a Neomail user, have been for a long while. I don’t know what it is about it – it’s clean interface and quick loading speed maybe? But the time has come for change as cPanel are deprecating the mbox format, why I...
by Keiron | Jul 5, 2007 | Linux
In a post way back in January of 2005, I discussed the software MyTop for monitoring connections on your MySQL server. I’ve had it installed and use it semi-regularly – however, it doesn’t always work – often I am greeted with the following...
by Keiron | Mar 2, 2007 | Linux
Paragonhost has a very useful post on setting up custom PRM rules (Process Resource Monitor). I think this maybe the cause of so much load on one of my servers recently, as the exim process is getting killed early and not being allowed to finish a queue run –...
by Keiron | Mar 2, 2007 | Linux
Did a little bit of Apache reading after a client query yesterday, it seems restarting httpd is not all that it seems! start – start httpd startssl – start httpd with SSL enabled stop – stop httpd restart – restart httpd if running by sending a...
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