Useful PHP mktimes

Creating – yesterday, tomorrow, last month etc. in PHP time can be a little time consuming – here are some quick cut and pastes! < ? $yesterday = mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d")-1,date("Y")); $today = mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d"),date("Y")); $tomorrow...


Another piece of software I want to look at sometime!! VisualWade is a great free PHP code generator that generates web applications from design models. You will be able to design and deploy sophisticated web applications in PHP connected...

Ticket System

Must look at this software sometime: Description: SSM is a full-featured application which includes many powerful tools to allow you to easily add a complete Knowledge Base along with a robust support request or “trouble...

PHP Date/Time Check with BST

function BSTCheck() { $ThisYear = (date(“Y”)); $MarStartDate = ($ThisYear.”-03-25″); $OctStartDate = ($ThisYear.”-10-25″); $MarEndDate = ($ThisYear.”-03-31″); $OctEndDate = ($ThisYear.”-10-31″); //work out...

Be careful how you code

A new European directive could put software writers at a serious risk of legal action! If the Dutch govenment get their own way at the end of their presidency over the European parliament, they will push through controversial law that the European Parliament has...

Coders Block

Someone sent me this a while back and I thought it was very good – posting here so others can benefit! Every programmer has to have something to program, whether it’s work related, hobby related, for a friend, or even just a quick script for an automation....