by Keiron | Jul 29, 2013 | Health
The BBC reported today that Testicular cancer survival rates have soared, which is is absolutely fantastic news. In the early 70’s only 68% survived, in 2009 it was 96%! It certainly doesn’t feel like 8 years since I went through this, but it is. In fact...
by Keiron | Mar 17, 2011 | Health, Personal Diary
It’s taken a few days for me to get my head around this and post it, so I apologise for that! I had my annual Testicular Cancer checkup at the beginning of the week, after 5 years you think they’d get easier (they don’t and neither do me and...
by Keiron | Aug 2, 2009 | Health
As someone who has had Testicular Cancer I always advise people to check them… And one of the very first posts I made on this blog a couple of years ago was a video that should motivate all men to check them! Unfortunately the video has moved around a lot, and...
by Keiron | Feb 17, 2007 | Health
What! I’m not sure if I find it ridiculous or just plain stupid! YouTube in its infinite wisdom, has decided that the videos I posted last week to my other blog are X-rated! The show Dr Chris Steele, showing you how to examine yourself...
by Keiron | Aug 25, 2006 | Health
A friend asked us about this stuff the other day, not sure how much use they’ll find it, but I’ve posted the stuff here: Homeopathic Medicine: A Survival Tool for the Holidays Students Stress Busters Weleda (UK) Ltd – Anthroposophic &...
by Keiron | Dec 9, 2005 | Health
This is one of the first articles I read when I was diagnosed – found it quite useful… Testicular Cancer is a relatively rare form of cancer. Although testicular cancer accounts for only 1 percent of cancers in men, testicular cancer is the most common...
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