I just star posts, or so it seems with Google Reader!

I’ve got tonnes of stuff starred – 208  items to be precise, with another 328 unread! When, I ask you… When am I going to go back and find time to read all those amazing things I’ve thought “I’ll blog about that”, or “I must read that properly later”?

I’ve taken a look at my trends, I do so enjoy statistics! In the last 30 days the primary candidates for publishing good content that I want to read again appear to be LifeHacker and my Bumpzee Community (I also have a view people waiting to get into that community – I really must review their sites now I’m keeping tighter control over it!).

I’m currently playing with my theme for this blog and hope to introduce a feed of things I’m starring or sharing on the site itself so you can see what I’m reading and finding interesting! It would be absurd to link to all 208 items in my “Starred Up” Feature (this probably wouldn’t have happened if I’d done that regularly!).

Maybe, if I followed my own advice, and completed my “Inbox Zero”, then followed Glenn’s advice and read David Allen’s book I’d find time to read and post about all these wonderful posts I’ve starred!

I’ve only got 39 subscriptions!!! How do other people cope?