Joicho Ito is now wondering if the public diary format of his weblog is too restrictive of his talents as a venture capitalist tireless networker and ICANN board member(see this post about Becoming Boring). He has built up a cult following amongst hopeful software authors, lonely maternal housewives, out of luck marketing consultants, and excitable South American computer enthusiasts.

He’s argued several times that this is his blog and if you don’t like it don’t read it! People who leave comments such as “Check your facts before you post.”, “Read before you write.”, “That was stupid.” should heed this advice!!

Fans continue to urge him to post the boring, fun, silly and crazy stuff along with his opinions:

One fan begged, “please do continue to post silly-opinionated-not-well-thought through stuff. i for one love your blog for just that reason”.

“Don’t let the bastards install a cop-chip in your head,” was the rather bizarre advice from someone called Cory Doctorow.

The Register goes on to say:

Perhaps if Joicho could leave his career considerations aside for a moment, and he could make a lasting impact by blogging how ICANN really works from the inside. Or perhaps he doesn’t need an online identity anymore, and he’ll vanish from the “blogosphere” as rapidly as he arrived, leaving only trackbacks behind, as a kind of cybernetic placenta. We rather hope not, because in contrast to the gallery of grotesques that appears daily on his “Random Faceroll” – self-selected to be thin-skinned, humorless and outright creepy – he’s been quite entertaining.